BMI Desirable Body Weight Calculator
Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Fat Percentage are validated measures of nutritional status. These are often used in clinical settings to see whether one is underweight, overweight or obese.BMI is based on the weight and height measurements and can be calculated by the
following formula:
BMI= Weight (kg)/ Height (m)2BMI indicates whether body weight is proportional to body height. Please see the reference values for adult population:
BMI Asian, Caribbean, African Caucasian
Underweight <18.5 <18.5
Normal 18.5 - 22.9 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight 23.0 - 24.9 25.0 - 29.9
Obese ≥25.0 ≥30.0
People who are not within the normal weight category, and would like to know their ideal body weight may simply use the formula below:
Ideal body weight = height in meter
2 x 18.5 to 22.9 (for Asians) or 18.5 to 24.9 (for Caucasians)
For example: Peter is British and is 1.78m tall. His BMI is 32, so he is categorized as
obese and the ideal body weight for Peter will be:
Lower limit of ideal body weight = 1.782x 18.5 = 58.6kg
Upper limit of ideal body weight = 1.782 X 24.9 = 78.9kg
So the ideal body weight that allow Peter to fall into the category of ‘Normal’ are between
- 58.6kg and 78.9kg.